Healthy Community

Antigonish gets Active!

Active living means incorporating all kinds of physical movement into our lives. It isn’t only about going to gyms and being involved in organized sport, even though those are certainly part of being active. It also means being active in everything we do – in our transportation – walking, biking, snowshoeing to wherever it is we’d like to go; in our social time – skiing, hiking, running, cycling, tobogganing, dancing, snowshoeing or canoeing with friends; in our time at home – shoveling snow, gardening, cleaning, lifting laundry…..all activities that require movement, using our muscles and joints. This activity is what keeps us healthy. As our lives have become ‘easier’, we no longer have to walk as far, knead our bread or plow our gardens and we must make a greater effort to be active. As gas and energy are becoming more expensive, as our industrial activities negatively affect our environment, as society has become more sedentary and unhealthier, we must urgently relearn how to be more active in our lives.

‘Antigonish Gets Active!’ is a community group promoting not only personal active living, but encouraging a built environment that supports active living. We are advocating to make local cycling safer and trying to improve connectivity to make walking to work and school easier. We’d like to see more of the community snowshoeing, hiking, cycling and walking. We support the many outdoor activities and recreational opportunities that are locally available and have provided links to many of those below. But we also are working to expand trail links and waterway use, to see more of our children walking and cycling to school and to see more adults walking and cycling to work.

We are working with GAALN, town and county recreation, community health boards, GASHA public health, Provincial Dept of Health and Wellness, Fresh Air, PAK, Free Play, NSOLD, Paddle Antigonish, CACL and local municipal governments to make this happen. We’d love to have you join us!